outside of West Lincoln Township Office

There are times when you will need an application, licence or permit to follow the Township's by-laws. Below you can find our popular forms along with important information for each one.

Block Plan 

Block Plan Application 

Building and Demolition Permits

A building or demolition permit is your formal permission to begin construction, demolition, addition or renovation on your property. If you start construction before you have a building permit, you will be charged double permit fees.

All building and construction plans must comply with the Ontario Building Code and our local Zoning By-Laws.

How do I apply?

Visit our Building and Demolition Permits page to apply for building or demolition permits. Review application submission requirements, fees, and timing.

Change Your Mailing Address

If you are the owner of a property in the Township of West Lincoln and would like to redirect your mail to an alternate mailing address, please complete the Mailing Address Change form below.

Change Your Mailing Address

Change of Use Permits

Changing the use of a building may involve a remodel or may require no physical changes at all. Our Building By-law requires you to get a permit when there is a proposed change in the use of a building. For example, changing an existing office space to a retail space.

How do I apply?

  1. Review our Permit Application Checklist for submission requirements
  2. Download and complete a Change of Use permit application
  3. Review our fee schedule and pay any applicable fees
  4. Submit your application, payment and required documentation to our Building department
    1. Send electronic submissions to building@westlincoln.ca
    2. Drop off at the Township Office – 318 Canborough St. in Smithville

We accept debit, cash and cheque payments at the Township Office.

Learn more about building and demolition permits.

Consent Applications

A consent application is the process through which our Committee of Adjustment makes decisions on proposed subdivision of lands. This can include:

  • creation of new lots
  • easements
  • change to lot boundaries

How do I apply?

  1. Have a pre-consultation meeting with our Planning department to find out what documentation should be submitted with your application
  2. Download and complete a Consent Application form
  3. Pay any applicable fees
  4. Submit your application, payment and required documentation to our Planning department
    1. Send electronic submissions to planning@westlincoln.ca
    2. Drop off at the Township office – 318 Canborough St. in Smithville

We accept debit, cash and cheque payments at the Township Office.

Learn more about the consent application process.

Death Certificates

All births and deaths in Ontario are registered with the Office of the Registrar General.

Online certificates and forms are available through Service Ontario. You can find information on:

For more information, please contact the Office of the Registrar General at 1-800-461-2156.

Dog Licences

If you own a dog in the Township of West Lincoln, you are required to license them each year.

How do I apply?

Dog licensing is managed by DocuPet Inc. You can license your pet online, over the phone, by mail or in person. 

Visit our Animal Care and Control page to find out how to apply for a dog licence and review licensing requirements.

Driveway Culvert Permits

Any culvert used to gain access to your property is your responsibility. If your culvert needs to be replaced, you must do so in a timely manner. To start any culvert construction, you will need an entrance permit.

How do I apply?

Visit our Driveway Culvert Permits page to find out how to apply for an entrance permit. You can also review culvert construction and application requirements.


Farm 911 (The Emily Project) Application Form 

The Farm 911 Project, also known as The Emily Project, stems back to a tragic accident in 2014 that claimed the life of a 7 year old girl.  The founders of the Farm 911 – Emily Project recognized that no one should have to wait helplessly for first responders to find them and that a civic address to a vacant farm field would help to improve the odds of finding someone. 

Additional information regarding the project can be found at https://www.farm911.ca.

How do I apply for a civic address for a vacant farm parcel?

1. Download and fill out the Farm 911 application form

  1. Submit your application, payment and required documentation to our Building department
    1. Send electronic submissions to building@westlincoln.ca
    2. Drop off at the Township Office – 318 Canborough St. in Smithville

We accept debit, cash and cheque payments at the Township Office.

Flag Raising Request Form

The Township of West Lincoln offers the temporary opportunity to raise community flags on the designated Community Flag Pole located at the West Lincoln Community Centre enhancing awareness of causes, special occasions, and activities. Approval is at Council's discretion as outlined in the Township's Corporate Flag Policy. 

To submit a request please complete the Flag Raising Request Form through the Township's website. Requests will be confirmed on a first come first served basis.

Freedom of Information

We make every effort to provide you with access to information. If the information is protected, we can't give you access to those records. For example, we would not provide access to someone else's personal information.

How do I make a FOI request?

Visit our Freedom of Information page to download the form and make a request.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Clerk's department at 905-957-3346.

Grants and Incentives

The Township of West Lincoln offers several grants and incentive programs to help your business grow and succeed. 

  • Commercial Building Facade Grant
  • Property tax relief programs
  • Community grants

Visit our Grants and Incentives page to learn more about the programs we offer.

Hunting Licences

A hunting licence is required to hunt in Ontario.

Where can I get a hunting licence?

Grimsby Tackle – hunting and fishing licences

  • Address: 515 Main Street West, Grimsby L3M 1T6
  • Telephone: 905-945-0399

Find more information on hunting rules and fees in Ontario.

Kennel Licences

In West Lincoln, you can't have more than three dogs over the age of 10 weeks on any property unless grandfathered under our Animal Control By-law. If you own more than three dogs, you may qualify for a Kennel Licence.

How do I apply?

Visit our Kennel Licences page to apply for a licence and review licensing requirements for private and commercial kennels. 

Lottery Licences

If your organization or services group wishes to sell raffle tickets, break-open tickets or bingo cards in West Lincoln, you'll need a lottery licence. Only charitable or non-profit charitable organizations are eligible for a lottery licence.

The Government of Ontario and the Alcohol Gaming Commission of Ontario regulate lottery licences in Ontario.

How do I apply?

Visit our Lottery Licences page to find eligibility requirements and apply for a lottery licence.

Marriage Licences

A marriage licence is needed before being married in the Province of Ontario. It is valid anywhere in Ontario for 90 days from the date of issuance.

The Clerk's Department issues marriage licences by appointment only during regular operating hours (Monday to Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., excluding holidays) at Township of West Lincoln Administration, 318 Canborough Street, Smithville ON, L0R 2A0. No walk-ins are accepted. The appointment is for the marriage licence only. We do not perform civil ceremonies at this time. The marriage licence fee is $134.

Visit our Marriage Licence page to find the application form and full details about requirements to obtain a marriage licence in West Lincoln.

Minor Variance Application

If your land, building or structure cannot follow the Zoning By-Laws, you will need to submit a Minor Variance Application.

How do I apply?

  1. Have a pre-consultation meeting with our Planning department to find out what documentation needs to be submitted with your application
  2. Download and complete a Minor Variance application form
  3. Pay any applicable fees
  4. Submit your application to our Planning department
    1. Send electronic submissions to planning@westlincoln.ca
    2. Drop off at the Township Office – 318 Canborough St. in Smithville

We accept debit, cash and cheque payments at the Township Office.

Learn about the Minor Variance Application process.

Official Plan Amendment Application

Our Official Plan establishes how land should be used and sets policies for development in West Lincoln. If your development does not conform to the Official Plan, an Amendment will be required.

How do I apply?

  1. Have a pre-consultation meeting with our Planning department to find out what documentation needs to be submitted with your application
  2. Download and complete an Official Plan Amendment application
  3. Review our fee schedule 
  4. Submit your application and payment to the Planning department
    1. Send electronic submissions to planning@westlincoln.ca
    2. Drop off at the Township Office – 318 Canborough St. in Smithville

We accept debit, cash and cheque payments at the Township Office.

Learn more about the Township's Official Plan.

Open Air Burning

Open air burning within the Township of West Lincoln is forbidden without approval from the Fire Chief or designate.

How do I get approval?

Please visit our Open Air Burning page to request an approval to burn. You can also review the open air burning rules.

Pre-consultation Meeting Application

A pre-consultation meeting is required before you can submit any of the following:

  • Official Plan
  • Zoning By-Laws
  • Draft Plan of Subdivision or Condominium
  • Site Plan
  • Consent applications
  • Minor variance applications, on occasion

Meetings are run by the Township's Planning department and are first come, first serve.

How do I request a meeting?

Visit our Pre-consultations page to review submission requirements and request a meeting.

Prohibited Animal Registration

By-law 2023-54 Being a By-law to Regulate Animal Care and Control Within the Township was passed on Monday, July 17, 2023 (effectively replacing By-law 2011-44 a By-law to Provide for the Licensing Control and Regulation of Dogs).

Among other regulations, By-law 2023-54 establishes a list of animals prohibited to be kept either temporarily or permanently; exemptions apply. This list is subject to amendment.

Prohibited animals that were lawfully kept within the municipal boundaries of West Lincoln prior to July 17, 2023, are considered "grandfathered in" and must be registered with the Township of West Lincoln. Failure to register a grandfathered Prohibited animal will result in a fine of $150.

Prohibited Animal Registration Form

Refreshment Cart Licence

If you own, operate or use any vehicle to sell food or drinks to the public, you must have a refreshment cart licence.

How do I apply?

Visit our Business Licences and Permits page to apply for a refreshment cart licence. You can also review our refreshment cart licensing requirements and fees.

Site Plan Control 

Site Plan Application 

Subdivision and Condominium 

Subdivision and Condominium Application 

Swimming Pool Permit

In the Township of West Lincoln, we require you to have a pool permit if your pool holds more than 610mm of water. Please review our Zoning By-Laws and Swimming Pool By-Law before you decide where to locate your pool. An inspection will need to be completed before you put water in your pool.

How do I apply?

The process will take about three weeks.

  1. Download and complete our swimming pool permit application
  2. Complete a site plan
  3. Review our fee schedule
  4. Submit your completed application, payment and site plan to our Building department
    1. Send electronic submissions to building@westlincoln.ca
    2. Drop off at the Township Office – 318 Canborough St. in Smithville

We accept debit, cash and cheque payments at the Township Office.

Learn more about swimming pool permits in West Lincoln.

Tax relief for demolition/class change

If your property changes throughout the year, you may qualify for a refund or reduction in taxes. Changes in property use, damage, fire or demolition are all considered.

How do I apply?

Download and complete an Application to Council form. Submit your form to our Finance department by February 28th of the following year.

You can email treasury@westlincoln.ca or visit us in person at 318 Canborough St. in Smithville between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.

Special submissions

  • If you are applying due to sickness or extreme poverty, send your application directly to the Assessment Review Board.
  • If you are applying due to "gross or clerical error" on the assessment roll, your application must be received between March 1st and December 31st.

Learn more about property taxes and tax relief for demolition/class change.

Trailer Park Licence

If you own a trailer park in West Lincoln, you must have a trailer camp licence.

How do I apply?

Visit our Business Licences and Permits page to apply for a trailer park licence. You can also review our trailer park licensing requirements and fees.

Zoning By-law Amendment Application

A Zoning By-Law Amendment, or “rezoning”, provides a way to change zoning regulations for individual properties. If your proposal for change is minor, you will need to apply for a Minor Variance application instead.

How do I apply?

  1. Have a pre-consultation meeting with our Planning department to find out what documentation needs to be submitted with your application
  2. Download and complete a Zoning By-Law Amendment application
  3. Review our fee schedule
  4. Submit your application, payment and extra documentation to our Planning department
    1. Send electronic submissions to planning@westlincoln.ca
    2. Drop off at the Township Office – 318 Canborough St. in Smithville

We accept debit, cash and cheque payments at the Township Office.

Learn more about Zoning By-Laws and Zoning By-Law Amendments.