The Township of West Lincoln's Corporate Sponsorship Policy allows not-for-profit organizations to apply for grant funding. Non-profit organizations are recognized volunteer groups and charitable organizations.

2025 Grant and Cemetery Grant applications typically open in the first quarter of every year. Stay tuned!

How to apply

Applications for Grants and Cemetery Grants are accepted in the first quarter of the year. Funding is limited and contingent on budget approval from Council, so there is no guarantee that an application will be approved or that the full amount requested will be granted. Organizations will need to re-apply for the grant each year.

  1. Complete the Grant or Cemetery Grant application (links will be available after applications open). Remember to attach your 2024 Year End Statement of Revenue and Expenditures.
  2. Complete the Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) form. Remember to attach a void cheque or direct deposit form from your bank. If your application is approved, the payment will be deposited directly into your bank account and an EFT notification will be emailed.
  3. Submit your completed application and EFT form, along with all required attachments/enclosures, via email, mail or drop off.
Township of West Lincoln
318 Canborough Street
PO Box 400
Smithville, ON L0R 2A0


For more information about the Township's criteria for grants, please review the Corporate Sponsorship Policy.