Wooden toy house beside growing pile of coins

Property taxes provide the main source of revenue to deliver services provided by the Township of West Lincoln, Niagara Region and the local school boards.

General tax information

Each year in February and July, you will receive your tax bill in the mail or by email. Visit our MyWESTLINCOLN web page to find out how to set up paperless billing. You can find information about your taxes, including due dates, on your bill. Tax due dates are as follows:

  • last business day of February
  • last business day of April
  • last business day of July
  • last business day of September

You are responsible for late payment. Please make sure we have your payment on or before the due date. To make a payment, you will need to have your tax stub and bill handy. Learn more about how to pay your taxes.

Tax rates

The Township's Municipal tax rate is determined after Township Council and Niagara Region approve their budgets. The Province of Ontario establishes the Education Rate. To determine the amount of property taxes to be collected, we multiply the tax rate by your property's current value assessment (CVA).

View the current tax rates

Tax calculator

The tax calculator, through Niagara Region, estimates the amount of property tax you will pay and the distribution of your Regional taxes.

The Township of West Lincoln administers your final tax bill and may differ from the number generated on the calculator.

Property tax arrears/tax debt

Under the Municipal Tax Sales Act, where any part of municipal property taxes are outstanding on January 1st after a two year period, the Treasurer may prepare a Tax Arrears Certificate. The certificate will be registered against the title to the land in the Land Registry office.

For example, any properties where 2021 taxes remain unpaid as of December 31, 2022 would be subject to tax registration on January 1, 2023.

Any mortgage holders and all owners will be warned in writing of the lien against the property. If the lien is not paid in full on time, the property can be sold by public tender for tax debt.

Sale of a property due to unpaid taxes

The Township may advertise the sale of the property because of unpaid taxes. Generally, advertisements are published in the local newspaper for four weeks and the Ontario Gazette for one week. 

These sales are not typical real estate transactions. If you're considering taking part in a sale, you should seek independent legal advice from a lawyer licensed to practice in Ontario and in good standing with the Law Society of Upper Canada.


Currently, there are no properties up for tax sale