Variety of construction and road signs on sidewalk

Report a concern

If you have a concern about Township owned roadways, sidewalks, traffic signs or streetlights, please report it to our Public Works Department or call 905-957-3346 ext. 5139. You can also fill in our Report a Concern Form online.


The Township of West Lincoln owns all municipal roadways and sidewalks. The Township's Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance of these roadways throughout the year including:

  • the maintenance, repair and replacement of traffic signs
  • the maintenance of streetlights and poles

To check for any construction delays, please visit our Road Closures and Construction page.

Road Occupancy Permits

A Road Occupancy Permit is required for all residents, businesses, contractors, etc. who wish to occupy all or a portion of a road, sidewalk or boulevard to hold events or to perform work. 

To obtain a permit, complete the Road Occupancy Permit Application Form and Township staff will be in contact once it is approved. The permit is to be kept on site during the event or work being performed. 

Oversize/Overweight Permits

An Oversize/Overweight Permit is required for any load, vehicle, object or structure that is oversize and/or overweight as defined by the Highway Traffic Act, as amended. 

To obtain a permit, complete the Oversize/Overweight Permit Application Form and Township staff will be in contact once it is approved. The permit is to be kept in the vehicle at all times.

Winter maintenance

Our Public Works Department tackles snow removal for all municipal roads and sidewalks. Visit our Winter Maintenance page to learn how we keep our roads safe during winter.

Dust Control

Every June, our Public Works Department applies Calcium Chloride for dust control throughout West Lincoln's municipal gravel roads. Visit our Dust Control page to learn about dust control and calcium chloride, how it works and how long it lasts.

Sports equipment on Township roads

The Township does not encourage sports or game equipment such as hockey or basketball nets on municipal roads and road allowances. These objects can lead to vehicular or pedestrian incidents. To reduce the chance of an incident, please place any unattended nets or ramps on your private property.


If you find a damaged sidewalk, please report it. Township staff will examine and assess the damage. The Township has a Sidewalk Inspection and Spot Repair Program for the maintenance of municipal sidewalks. If a sidewalk is broken or raised, we will place a temporary patch or grind the sidewalk as soon as possible. If we cannot finish the repair at that time, we will complete it as part of our Annual Sidewalk Repair Program. 


To learn more about parking in West Lincoln, please visit our Parking page.

Regional roads

The Regional Public Works Operation is responsible for the maintenance of all Niagara Region roads including the maintenance, repair and replacement of traffic signals. You can report a broken traffic signal to Niagara Region by calling 905-984-3690.

The roads owned by the Region are:

  • Caistorville Rd (RR2) – Indian Line to Silver St (RR65)
  • York Rd (RR9) – Caistorville Rd (RR2) to Westbrook Rd
  • Grimsby Rd (RR12) – HWY 20 (RR20) to Mud St (RR73)
  • Smithville Rd (RR14) – Canborough Rd (RR63) to Mud St (RR73)
  • HWY 20 (RR20) – Westbrook Rd to Victoria Ave (RR 24)
  • Victoria Ave (RR24) – East Chippawa Rd to Twenty Mile Rd (RR69)
  • Canborough Rd (RR63) – South Chippawa Rd to Victoria Ave (RR24)
  • Silver St (RR65) – Westbrook Rd to HWY 20 (RR20)
  • Mud St (RR73) – East Townline Rd to South Grimsby Rd 3