When June rolls around, residents living on a gravel road know just how bad the dust can be and often begin looking for a dust control solution. The dust can make wanting to be outside and enjoy the nice weather a nuisance. Here in West Lincoln, we use a Calcium Chloride product on gravel roads for dust control. Calcium Chloride is an effective, long-lasting dust suppressant. To understand why and how, it is important to look at the chemical make-up of the Calcium Chloride solution.
Calcium Chloride is hygroscopic – it attracts moisture from the air and its surroundings. This is how it keeps the surface of a road damp and keeps the dust down. Calcium Chloride also resists evaporation which allows one application to last a long time.
One application of Calcium Chloride for dust control will often last through the year. Two or more applications per year are sometimes required if the application area is considered high traffic. High traffic areas have more vehicles crushing the road base, thus causing more dust.
Weather is also something to consider on the longevity of a Calcium Chloride application. If the summer is very dry with very little rain, you may start to see the effects of the Calcium Chloride diminishing over time. The occasional rain is great for an application of Calcium Chloride and can help reactivate the solution.
Township Public Works Staff applies Calcium Chloride for dust control throughout West Lincoln's municipal gravel roads.