PLEASE NOTE: The Township is presently updating its development review process to implement the requirements of Bill 109 as directed by the Province of Ontario which came into effect on January 1, 2023. Prior to submitting a Development/Planning Application, all applicants are required to contact the Township’s Planning Department 905-957-3346 (and press number 5) or for further information. 

Developers discussing plan at meeting

The Township of West Lincoln's Planning and Development department is responsible for all planning and development within the Township including:


Our pre-consultation meetings are required before submitting a development application to the Township of West Lincoln. Please visit the pre-consultation page on the website for further information

Plans, studies and reports

Please note: These are just Planning reports. All other plans and reports for the Township can be found on our Plans, Studies, and Reports page.

Our Planning department undertakes a variety of land-use related studies on behalf of the Township. If you can't find a specific planning and development document below, you can request a free digital copy or paper copy ($0.25/page).  Please submit your request to the Planning department.

Block Plan and Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP) Guideline 

Staff report PD-29-2023 and attachments were endorsed by the Planning, Building, Environmental Committee on June 12, 2023 and ratified by Council on June 26, 2023.

Development and Redevelopment 

Development charges

Development Charges are one-time fees collected by the Township at the time your building permit is issued. We collect development charges to offset the cost of growth that occurs as a result of providing municipal services to new residential and non-residential development.

Calculating development charges

Development Charge Act and By-Law

The Development Charges Act outlines how municipalities impose development charges. The charges must meet specific criteria and pass an appropriate by-law. Review the Development Charges Act.

The Township of West Lincoln's Council passed the Development Charge By-Law on June 24, 2019 (effective July 15, 2019). This by-law establishes our development charges. Review the Township's Development Charge By-Law.

A development charge is applied when land development increases the need for municipal services. Charges can be applied as a condition of any of the following:

  • Re-zoning or Zoning Amendment
  • Minor Variance
  • Conveyance of Land under the Planning Act
  • Plan of Subdivision
  • Land Severance
  • Plan of Condominium
  • Issuance of a Building Permit

Current rates

Learn more about development charges, including current rates, by reviewing our Development Charge Pamphlets below.

Development Charge Background Study

Ontario municipalities are required to update its Development Charges every five years. The Township completes a background study as part of this process.

You can download the 2019 Development Charge Background Study to learn more about what is included in the Development Charge calculation.

Parkland dedication

In new development, property owners are required to set aside a certain amount of land for parkland or pay cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication. Parkland dedication or cash-in-lieu is required under Section 42 of the Planning Act to develop or redevelop land within the Township.

In addition to Township Development Charges and Cash-In-Lieu or Parkland Dedication fees, you may be required to pay Regional Development Charges. Niagara Region collects Regional Development Charges for new developments.