A pre-consultation meeting is required before you can submit any of the following:

Pre-consultation meetings are run by the Township's Planning department. The meetings will involve some of our other departments (i.e. Public Works, Building & By-law, etc.) and external agencies (i.e. Niagara Region, Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority) as required. Pre-consultation meetings are held on the first and third Thursday of every month.  The meetings are first come, first serve. 

How do I request a meeting?

To request a meeting online, please complete the Township's Pre-Consultation Request Form. Submit your form, along with the requirements below, to the Planning Department. 

  • Send electronic submissions to planning@westlincoln.ca
  • Visit us in person at the Township Office at 318 Canborough St. in Smithville between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm.

Submission requirements and fees

Applicants must submit:

  • any required fees 
  • a completed request form
  • a conceptual site plan
  • a letter from the property owner (if different from the application) stating they are aware and okay with you attending a pre-consultation for their property

The fee of the pre-consultation meeting will be deducted from the application fee once/if applied for within a year of the pre-consultation meeting.

Learn more

Contact the Planning department for more information about pre-consultation meetings.