The Township of West Lincoln offers a wide choice of community clubs, groups and organizations to enrich your life. See which group best matches your interests. Join a sports club or gardening club, become a scout, find helpful organizations and much more. Get involved and most importantly, have fun!
Whether you are a beginner or advanced, there is a sports club for you! Check out your options below.
Smithville Co-ed Slo-Pitch League |
This league is for players of all skill levels. Season runs from early May to the end of September which includes a year-end tournament in September.
For more information, please contact 905-321-3712 or email |
West Lincoln Men's Slo-Pitch League |
The Men's slo-pitch season runs from May to September.
For more information, please contact 289-440-7724 or email |
Niagara District Men's Slo-Pitch League |
Join a recreational slo-pitch league. The season runs from May to September.
For more information, visit Niagara District Men's Slo-Pitch League, call 289-808-4092, or email |
Caistor Minor Softball Association |
Choose between a 5 pitch league (8 to 11 years old) and a softball league (12 to 17 years old). The season starts in June and runs until September. For more information, visit Caistor Minor Softball Association, email |
Caistor T-ball |
T-Ball is a fun sport for younger kids! The season runs from May until August. Registration is held in February and March each year. Games are played at the Caistor Community Park.
For more information, visit Caistor T-Ball, email |
West Lincoln Ladies' Soccer Club |
Ladies can choose between competitive and recreational soccer programs. For recreational programs, they will participate in the Niagara Soccer League's U 21 and Women's divisions. For competitive programs, they will participate in the Ontario Women's Soccer League at U 21 and senior levels of competitive play.
For more information, please call 905-957-1428 or email |
West Lincoln Youth Soccer Club |
The season starts the first week of June and runs until mid-August. Registration is held in January. Games are played on weeknights.
For more information or to register, visit the website West Lincoln Soccer Club, or email |
West Niagara Minor Hockey Associations |
WLMHA and WNMHA provide hockey programs focused on skill development and having fun! The season begins in mid-September and runs until March 31st. Choose from Tyke, Local League, and Rep hockey programs.
For more information or to register, visit WLMHA. |
West Lincoln Men's Non-Contact Hockey League |
You must be a resident of West Lincoln to join this league. The season begins at the end of September and runs until the end of March.
For more information or to put your name on the wait list, call 289-440-7724. |
West Lincoln Children's Floor Hockey |
Location: West Lincoln Community Centre & Arena (Gymnasium)
For more information or to register, visit West Lincoln Children's Floor Hockey Email: Phone: 289-237-4505 |
Football Niagara |
Football Niagara offers flag and tackle football. Tackle football is open to boys and girls ages 8 and up. League play runs in the Summer and Fall. For more information and registration, please visit Football Niagara. Flag football is open to boys and girls ages 5 and up. League play runs in the Spring and Fall. For more information and registration, please visit Under the Lights Flag Football. |
West Lincoln Skating Club |
Does your child want to learn how to skate or improve their current skating ability? Sign them up for a skating program. The season runs from late September to early April.
For more information or to register, visit West Lincoln Skating Club or email Between September and March, you can also call 905-957-4689. |
Caistorville Golf & Country Club |
18-hole golf and country club located at 1129 Regional Road #2 near the hamlet of Caistorville. For more information, please call 905-957-7335 or email |
Riverview Golf & Country Club |
18-hole golf and country club located at 313 Victoria Ave. on Regional Road #24. For more information, please call 905-892-3774. |
West Niagara Free Wheelers |
If you enjoy cycling, this is the club for you! All levels of rides are accommodated. Riders under 18 need to have a parent's signature. Rides are usually every other Saturday beginning late April and stop mid-September. For more information, call 905-957-1760. |
Jump rope
Little Leapers |
Non-competitive, recreational skipping program for children. Runs weekly on Wednesdays for 24 weeks from mid-September to April. Registration is held from April to June.
For more information, please contact |
In the Township of West Lincoln, community groups and organizations help make our community a better place to live and work. Explore the list below.
211 – Community Information |
If you or someone you know has questions about applying for financial assistance, child and youth services, assistance with housing, etc., dialling 211 on your phone is your answer. Call 211 has more than 56 000 services listed for the Province of Ontario. For more information, you can also visit 211 - Community Information. |
Employment Help Centre |
Whether you are looking for a job or an employer trying to post a job, the Employment Help Centre can help you. Locations in Grimsby, Beamsville and West Lincoln. Offers free recruiting services for employers and training programs such as WHMIS and Smart Serve. Drop in and use the free Resource Centre where there are computers, printers and fax machines. For more information, please call 905-957-9675 or visit the Employment Help Centre. |
Foundation of Resources for Teens (F.O.R.T.) |
F.O.R.T. is a not-for-profit organization that provides free drop-in programming year-round for youth and teens aged 11 to 18. Have positive peer interactions, get involved in your community and participate in recreational programs. For more information, visit F.O.R.T. or call 905-957-1991. |
Fulton Community Centre |
The Fulton Community Centre is located in the Hamlet of Fulton (at the corner of Regional Road 20 and South Grimsby Road 20). Kitchen facilities are available. Address: 2905 South Grimsby Road 20, R.R.#1 Smithville, ON L0R 2A0 Hall capacity: 78 people For rental inquiries, contact Robert MacDougall at 289-775-2883. |
Meals on Wheels - Niagara |
Meals on Wheels delivers hot and frozen meals to the homes of elderly persons with disabilities or someone who is recovering. Transportation services are also available to and from appointments. For more information, please call 905-563-9501. |
Niagara 4H |
Starting every spring, young people from Niagara are interested in hands-on learning. If you are one of them, you can join a local 4-H club. 4H stands for Head, Heart, Hands and Health. Ages: 9 to 21 years old For more information, please visit Niagara 4H or email |
Niagara West Adult Learning Centre |
Helps adults improve their reading, writing, math and computer skills. Literacy Skills Assessment, tutoring and upgrading available. Choose a one-on-one lesson or a group session. Serving West Lincoln, Lincoln and Grimsby. For more information, call 905-563-1515, email or visit Niagara West Adult Learning Centre. |
Niagara West Community Gardens |
Provide garden space, resources and opportunities to learn and socialize. You can participate by having a plot to grow your own fresh, organic vegetables by volunteering with our program. You can join our gardening and foodie workshops. For more information, call 905-563-9675 ext. 2260 or email |
Smithville Garden Club |
Provide educational opportunities to the public on gardening and nature topics. For information on upcoming meetings, call 905-957-0020 or 905-957-7816. |
Welcome Wagon |
Since 1930, Welcome Wagon has been personally connecting with businesses and services to those who need them. For more information, visit Welcome Wagons. |
West Lincoln Community Care |
Provides food, emergency help, special programs, referral information, clothing and household goods for families and individuals in need. The Food Bank is located at 2660 Industrial Rd. No appointment is necessary. The Thrift Store and Furniture Warehouse is located next door to the Food Bank. They sell gently used clothing, furniture, toys etc. for low prices to the community. For more information, please call 905-957-5882, email or visit West Lincoln Community Care. |
West Lincoln Historical Society |
A registered charity who has worked on the preservation of the Smithville Train Station located at 288 Station St. since 1993. Visit this historic building to see the history of West Lincoln in archives. Open April to the end of November from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm. For more information or to make an appointment, email |
West Lincoln Kiwanis |
Join a service club of men and women who volunteer their time with various West Lincoln community organizations. For more information, please call 905-741-6397 or email |
YMCA of Niagara |
Offers a wide variety of programs for families, adults and children including recreational, fitness and leadership programs, child care, day camps and more. Located at 325 Main St. East in Grimsby. For more information, please visit YMCA of Niagara. |
Scouts, cadets and auxiliary
1626 West Niagara Army Cadets |
Adventure based programs start in September and run through June. You will have the opportunity to parade weekly. Ages: 12 to 18 years old For more information, visit West Niagara Army Cadets or email |
Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary |
The Ladies Auxiliary supports the aims and objectives of the Legion. They provide financial and volunteer support to the branch. New volunteers are always welcome. For more information, please call 905-957-5383. |
Royal Canadian Air Cadets - 62 Phantom Squadron |
Leadership, citizenship and physical fitness programs are available for young children. Meet at the Mountain Ridge Community Centre. Ages: 12 to 18 years old For more information, visit Royal Canadian Air Cadets or call 289-440-2641. |
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 393 - Smithville |
A not-for-profit community support organization. The Legion helps veterans, their spouses, children, grandchildren and older adults. Community events and meetings can be held in our Legion Hall. Kitchen facilities are available for a nominal charge. Hall capacity: 150 people Address: 172 St. Catherine St., Smithville, ON L0R 2A0 Rentals are available from Monday to Sunday. However, the Legion Hall is not available to rent on the 1st Tuesday of the month and the 2nd and 4th Thursday in the evenings. For more information about the Legion, social gatherings, or hall rentals, please contact the Smithville Legion at 905-957-3935. |
Scouts Canada - Fruitbelt Area |
For more information about scouting and programs available for children and youth, visit Scouts Canada Fruitbelt Area. |
Girl Guides of Canada - Smithville District |
For more information on programs email |