The Township of West Lincoln is the perfect place to plan your next event. If you are interested in hosting a community or special event, please contact Community Services at 905-957-3346 ext. 4688, email us or complete our online Special Events Application Form below to start the process.
Please note: Applicants requesting permission to hold any event in the Township of West Lincoln must submit a completed application form 6 weeks prior to the proposed event for Township approval.
To hold an event in West Lincoln, applicants may be required to meet certain criteria. Review the Special Events Guide for Organizers below to find requirements for:
The information included in the Township of West Lincoln's Special Events Policy is applicable to all events and activities occurring in West Lincoln on any public property or as deemed necessary by Recreation Services. Review the Special Events Policy below .
The Municipal Alcohol Policy is a reference tool for standard operating procedures for event organizers to successfully operate events that include the service of alcoholic beverages. Review the Municipal Alcohol Policy below.
After you have reviewed the Guide for Organizers, the Special Events Policy and the Municipal Alcohol Policy, you can complete the online Special Events Application form. Recreation services will review your submission, contact you with an approval or denial of your event proposal and provide you with next steps.
Click on the link below to access the online Special Events Application form. Keep a copy of your safety plan and certificate of insurance handy. You will need to upload these to complete the application.