Dog Licences

If you own a dog in the Township of West Lincoln, you are required to purchase a licence every year for your dog(s). You are not allowed to have more than three dogs over the age of 10 weeks on any property unless grandfathered under our Animal Control By-law. If you own more than three dogs, you may qualify for a kennel licence

How do I license my dog?

Dog licensing in West Lincoln is managed by DocuPet Inc. You can license your pet online, over the phone, by mail, or in person.

License My Dog Online     Download PDF Application Form

DocuPet offers a Lost and Found Pet Service and a Rewards Program. Visit DocuPet's website to learn more about their dog licensing services.

In person: To license your dog, download a copy of the PDF Application Form above. Bring your completed application and payment to one of the following locations:

  • Township Office - 318 Canborough Street, Smithville (Only accepts debit, cash and cheque)
  • The Niagara Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Humane Society- 60 Provincial Street, Welland

By mail: To license your dog, download a copy of the PDF Application Form above. Mail your completed application and payment to the following location:

  • The Niagara Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Humane Society - 60 Provincial Street, Welland

Licensing fees

Early purchase rates are available from November 1 to December 31. Regular rates apply for the rest of the year. Please note rates may change each year. 

Dog licensing fees:

  • Unspayed or unneutered dog: $25 early purchase discount rate or $30 regular rate
  • Spayed or neutered dog: $14 early purchase discount rate or $17 regular rate
  • Vicious dog: $100
Other fees:
  • Replacement of lost or destroyed dog tag - $3
  • Application for Hearing Fee - $150

When will my pet tag arrive?

Usually, you will receive your pet tag in the mail 10 to 12 business days after your order is processed.


Licences are required for all dogs living in the Township. Licences must be renewed every year before the expiration date. Failure to present a valid licence will result in a fine of $120.

Picking up dog waste

Whoever has control of the dog (usually the owner or dog walker) is responsible for picking up after the dog. Always bring disposable bags when walking your dog in the Township.

Dangerous dogs

If you are an owner of a dog that has attacked a person or an animal without reason, it may be deemed a “dangerous dog”. These steps should be taken to prevent future attacks:

  • Muzzling
  • Tethering
  • Pen confinement
  • Display of dangerous dog sign

For more information on dangerous dogs, please review our Animal Control By-law.

Backyard Chickens

Update coming soon.

Prohibited Animals

By-law 2023-54 Being a By-law to Regulate Animal Care and Control Within the Township was passed on Monday, July 17, 2023 (effectively replacing By-law 2011-44 a By-law to Provide for the Licensing Control and Regulation of Dogs).

Among other regulations, the new Animal Control By-law establishes a list of animals prohibited to be kept either temporarily or permanently; exemptions apply. This list is subject to amendment.

Prohibited animals that were lawfully kept within the municipal boundaries of West Lincoln prior to July 17, 2023, are considered "grandfathered in" and must be registered with the Township of West Lincoln. Failure to register a grandfathered Prohibited animal will result in a fine of $150.

Please complete the form below to register your grandfathered Prohibited animal. If you keep more than one grandfathered Prohibited animal, you must complete one form for each of them.

Prohibited Animal Registration