West Lincoln Council Chambers

Township Council

Township Council meets on the 4th Monday of each month.

Agendas/Minutes   Recordings   Livestream   Delegations

Please note: Council & Committee minutes prior to May 25, 2020, can be found in the Council agenda following the meeting you are searching for. If you require further assistance, please contact the Legal and Legislative Services department.

Standing Committees

The Township of West Lincoln has three Standing Committees of Council that find ways to address issues in our community:

  1. Corporate Services Committee
  2. Community/Protective Services Committee
  3. Growth and Sustainability Committee
  4. Operations Committee

Standing Committees focus on one area of business, so issues can be debated more thoroughly. View the Township's Council and Committee Proposed Meeting Schedule on the Council calendar

January to December 2025 Council and Committee Schedule

Corporate Services Committee

The Corporate Services Committee includes all Members of Council, the Mayor and six Councillors. A chair and vice chair are selected for the Committee. The IT and Corporate Services report to Council through this Committee.

Chair - Councillor Shelley Bradaric
Vice Chair - Councillor Greg Maychak

The committee meets at 6:30 p.m. on the third Monday of the month. Committee functions include:

  • Canine control
  • Cemetery administration
  • Current and capital budget preparation and administration
  • Financial matters
  • General administrative matters
  • Human Resources policies and compensation plans
  • Public relations
  • School crossing guards
  • Matters that do not fall within the responsibilities of another committee
  • Enforcement of By-laws

Community/Protective Services Committee

The Community/Protective Services Committee includes all Members of Council, the Mayor and six Councillors. A chair and vice chair are selected for the Committee. The Library, Fire and Community Services report to Council through this Committee.

Chair - Councillor Jason Trombetta
Vice Chair - Councillor Greg Maychak

The committee meets at 6:30 p.m. on the third Monday of the month. Committee functions include:

  • Facilities
  • Recreation Services and Programming
  • Culture Services
  • Special Events
  • Emergency Services
  • Library Services
  • Cemetery operations & maintenance

Growth and Sustainability Committee

The Growth and Sustainability Committee includes all Members of Council, the Mayor and six Councillors. A chair and vice chair are selected for the Committee. The Building, Engineering and Growth & Sustainability Services report to Council through this committee.

Chair - Councillor Joann Chechalk
Vice Chair - Councillor Jason Trombetta

The committee meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Monday of the month. Committee functions include:

  • Land-use planning
  • Economic development and promotion
  • Building issues
  • Parks and trails

Operations Committee

The Operations Committee includes all members of Council, the mayor and six councillors. A chair and vice chair are selected for the Committee. The Operations and Infrastructure Services report to council through this committee.

Chair - Councillor William Reilly
Vice Chair - Councillor Mike Rehner

The committee meets on the third Monday of the month following the Administration/Finance/Fire Committee meeting. Committee functions include:

  • Parking and traffic control
  • Roads
  • Sanitary sewers
  • Sidewalks
  • Storm drainage
  • Street lights
  • Water distribution

Age Friendly Advisory Committee

The Age Friendly Advisory Committee (WLAFAC) is focused on making our Township an age-friendly community. They provide input and suggestions to our Township Council and staff on related initiatives. All residents and visitors are welcome to participate as community members. The Age Friendly Committee may have a maximum of 12 voting members.

Meetings are held the first Friday of the month at 9 a.m. in the Council Chambers located at the Township Office. Meetings are open to the public and guests are encouraged to attend.

Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment is an independent body chosen by Council. The Committee consists of five citizens who consider applications for minor variances to Zoning By-laws and applications for consent (severances) under the Planning Act.

The Committee of Adjustment meets on a monthly basis. Please refer to our current Hearing Schedule.

Court of Revision

The Court of Revision is an appeal body established under Section 97 the Drainage Act and is directed by the Township. The Drainage Act sets out a process for constructing new drains or improving existing drains.

The basic idea is that if you are a property owner who would benefit from a new or improved drain, you should pay your share toward the cost of construction. The Court hears appeals and decides if they are valid. The Court of Revision has three members who are chosen by Council for the four-year term. Meetings are held as required.

Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC)

The Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee is required under the Ontarians with Disabilities Act (ODA) and Ontario Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).  The committee assists Council with improving opportunities for persons with disabilities by promoting the implementation of the ODA and the AODA.

The towns of Grimsby, Lincoln, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Pelham, Thorold and West Lincoln formed the JAAC under requirements of the ODA and AODA.

The main purposes and activities of the JAAC are:

  • to advise Councils on the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan and provide Annual Progress Reports
  • to review site plans and advise on accessibility issues within all towns
  • to advise Councils on other accessibility related issues including policies and procedures relating to accessibility issues, customer service etc.

JAAC meetings take place on the 2nd Thursday of every other month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. as follows:

  • January 9, 2025
  • March 13, 2025
  • May 8, 2025
  • July 10, 2025
  • September 11, 2025
  • November 13, 2025

The JAAC prepares an annual report on our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, which Council approves. The report focuses on the identification, removal and prevention of barriers to people with disabilities.

Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee

The mandate of the Township of West Lincoln’s Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee (MYAC) is to ensure that youth are involved in the decisions made within the Township of West Lincoln that affect them, their families and friends. The MYAC will present a youth perspective. The MYAC will inform and involve other youth in the Township of West Lincoln.

Public Meetings Under the Planning Act

Before a Zoning By-law Amendment, Official Plan Amendment and/or a Plan of Condominium or Subdivision are adopted, council must hold at least one public meeting where members of the public can formally provide written and/or verbal comments with respect to the application. Notice of a Public Meeting under the Planning Act must be given at least 20 days ahead of the meeting, either through local newspapers or by mail and posted notice.  For meeting notices please refer to the News and Notices page.  The Public Meetings under the Planning Act are normally held on the same evening as the Planning/Building/Environmental Committee meetings commencing at 6:30 p.m.  For more information, such as the time and location of the meeting,  please refer to the Council and Committee Meeting Calendar.  Archived minutes of public meetings may be found as part of the next Council agenda following the Public Meeting.

Other Public Meetings

Meeting notices for other matters, such as public meetings required under the Building Code or as required by the municipality, such as renaming of highways, please refer to the News and Notices page. For more information, such as the time and location of the meeting,  please refer to the Council and Committee Meeting Calendar.  Archived minutes of other public meetings may be found as part of the next Council agenda following the Public Meeting.

West Lincoln Heritage Committee

The Heritage Committee is an advisory committee to Council. It was established to make recommendations on matters relating to the Ontario Heritage Act. Focusing on the identification, preservation, and restoration of buildings that are historically significant to our community. The Heritage Committee has five members, who are chosen by Council for the four-year term.

West Lincoln Public Library Board

The Public Library Board contains eight members who are chosen by Council; one of which is a member of Council. The Board is responsible for the operation, maintenance and promotion of the Township's library branches while adhering to applicable legislations.