Development Charges are collected by the Township of West Lincoln to recover the capital costs associated with residential and non-residential growth within the municipality. One of the key elements in establishing development charges is the need to prepare a Development Charges Background Study and pass a by-law setting out the development charges to be collected from developers and builders.

The current Development Charges By-Law was adopted by Council in June 2019, taking effect July 15, 2019. The by-law was developed in conformance with the Development Charges Act.  The by-law sets out the:

  • development charges for residential and non-residential development
  • apportionment of the charges for the various services
  • method of collection 
  • conditions under which a development is subject to the charge and the exemptions

2024 Development Charges Background Study

The Township's current development Charge By-Law was set to expire on July 15, 2024. At the June 17, 2024 Administration/Finance/Fire Committee meeting, Council approved Staff Report T-13-2024, which removed the expiry date from the By-Law. The draft background study and the proposed by-law was posted on May 13, 2024. A public meeting was held on May 27, 2024 where the 2024 background study and proposed Development Charge By-Law were presented and the public was invited to make comments. 

Staff Report T-13-2024 Development Charge By-Law - Removal of Expiry Date 

Public Meeting Notice - May 27, 2024

2024 Development Charges Background Study and Draft By-Law 

Past Development Charge Studies and By-laws

2022 Amendment

In 2022, the Township undertook an amendment to the 2019 Development Charges Background Report and the Township's 2019 Development Charges By-Law No.2019-51, as amended. This was done in order to comply with changes legislated through Bill 108, More Homes, More Choices Act, 2019 and Bill 197 COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020. A public meeting was held on August 11, 2022, where the updated background study was presented. On September 26, 2022, Council approved the updated background study and amended Development Charge By-Law.

Notice of Public Meeting - August 11, 2022

West Lincoln Development Charges Update Study 2022

Staff Report T-26-2022 Adoption of 2022 Development Charges By-Law

2022 Notice of Adoption of Development Charges


The Township worked alongside BMA Management Consulting to complete the Development Charge background study for the 2019-2024 period, which became effective on July 15, 2019.

Notice of Passing - Development Charges By-law

By-law 2019-51 Imposition of Development Charge

2019 Development Charges Background Study

Public Meeting Notice - May 21, 2019

Development Charge Rates

Below are the most recent Township development charge rates, along with a history of past rates. Contact us to request earlier development charge rates than those listed below. The Township indexes development charge rates on January 1 of each year.

Development Charges Pamphlet - Effective June 6, 2024

Historical rates

Development Charges Pamphlet - Effective January 1, 2024

Development Charges Pamphlet - Effective November 28, 2023

Development Charges Pamphlet - Effective January 1, 2023

Development Charges Pamphlet - Effective November 28, 2022

Development Charges Pamphlet - Effective September 26, 2022

Development Charges Pamphlet - 2022

Development Charges Pamphlet - 2021

Development Charges Pamphlet - 2020

Development Charges Pamphlet - 2019 Revised  

Treasurer's Annual Statement

Every year, the Treasurer is required to provide an annual development charges reserve fund statement. Contact us to request earlier statements than those listed below.

Annual Statements 

2022 Treasurer's Annual Statement

2021 Treasurer's Annual Statement 

2020 Treasurer's Annual Statement

2019 Treasurer's Annual Statement