The Township of West Lincoln held a Municipal By-election on November 4, 2024, for the Office of one Councillor position in Ward 3.
The Council vacancy was declared at the June 24 Council meeting in accordance with section 259(c) of the Municipal Act.
The process to fill a vacancy via by-election is regulated by the Municipal Elections Act. A by-election is conducted following the same rules as a regular election, with the exception of some unique time frames and deadlines.
Form EL32 - Declaration of Elected Candidate
Form EL08 - Certification of By-election Results
Candidate | Advance Polls | By-election Day | Total | Percent of Votes |
BONAZZA, Stefanie |
50 |
169 |
219 |
13.44% |
GILL, Heather |
63 |
233 |
296 |
18.17% |
JOYNER, Doug |
101 |
365 |
466 |
28.61% |
23 |
113 |
136 |
8.35% |
95 |
417 |
512 |
31.43% |
The Township of West Lincoln is dedicated to removing barriers and providing an accessible election.
I, Justin Paylove, Clerk/Returning Officer, advise that during the period commencing on August 13, 2024 and completed on Nomination Day, September 20, 2024, the following persons have filed all necessary nomination papers, endorsements, declarations and fees and are hereby certified candidates.
Ward 3
BONAZZA, Stefanie
GILL, Heather
TELEPHONE: 905-327-3004 | EMAIL:
TELEPHONE: 289-456-0041 | EMAIL:
TELEPHONE: 905-536-1100 | EMAIL: | WEBSITE:
All candidates who participate in the 2024 Ward 3 By-election must file a financial statement (Form 4) by January 20, 2025. This statement details the income and expenses incurred during the candidate's campaign. All financial statements are public documents and are retained by the Clerk until the new council takes office following the next election. The Municipal Elections Act states the Clerk must make financial statements available at no charge for viewing on a website as soon as possible after the document is filed.
If a financial statement was not submitted, the Clerk issues a Notice of Default to the candidate and notifies Council. Candidates in default are ineligible to be elected or appointed to any office to which The Act applies until after the next regular election has taken place.
Stefanie Bonazza - Filed - November 21, 2024
Gord MacCharles - Filed - November 7, 2024
Greg Maychack - Filed - January 13, 2025
Heather Gill - No Submission
Doug Joyner - No Submission
Section 88.23(3c) of the Municipal Elections Act requires that in the case of a default, the Clerk make available to the public the name of the candidate and a description of the nature of the default.
An accessibility report will be compiled upon the completion of the Township of West Lincoln's Ward 3 By-election.
Sections 88.23(4) and (5) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 requires the Clerk/Returning Officer to report publicly on all candidates in an election and indicate whether each candidate has complied with the financial statement filing requirements under Section 88.25.
Confirm, update or add your name and/or home address to the voters list;
Search, add or remove a property other than your home address on the voters list;
In-person voting will be conducted using traditional paper ballots and vote tabulators. The Township is conducting two advanced voting dates, on October 25 and 26, as well as by-election day on November 4.
If you are eligible to vote in the 2024 Ward 3 By-election but are unable to attend a poll, yourself, you may appoint another qualified elector as proxy to vote on your behalf.
If you are eligible to vote in the 2024 Ward 3 By-election but are unable to attend a poll, yourself, you may appoint another qualified elector as proxy to vote on your behalf.
You cannot appoint more than one voting proxy or act as a voting proxy for more than one other person. This restriction does not apply if the proxy and the other person are spouses or siblings of each other, parent and child, or grandparent and grandchild.
Proxy applications may be filed by appointment only, Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. (holidays excluded). Please call 905-957-3346 or email after September 23 to make an appointment.
On in-person advanced voting days (Date and Date) the Township Administrative Office and other designated locations will be open between noon and 5 p.m. for the purpose of considering and certifying proxy applications.
The Appointment of Voting Proxy form is available for pick-up, or you can download the form to print and complete at home, and have your voting proxy bring it to the poll with them.
Proxy forms will also be available at the advance polls and at the Township Administrative Office on By-election Day. Please note that Election Officials at the voting station will not accept uncertified, faxed or photocopied proxy certificates.
The following rules apply to the issuance of Proxy Certificates:
Voting proxy must be in the prescribed form
Person appointed the voting proxy must be qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act
Appointment must be made within the time specified within the Municipal Elections Act
A person shall not appoint a voting proxy for an election until the later of,
The time for the withdrawal of nominations under section 36 has expired for all offices for which the election is being conducted; and
The time when the clerk has certified all persons qualified to be nominated under subsection 35(2);
Name of the person appointed voting proxy must be filled in at the time the form is signed by the elector;
Signature of the elector and witness must be completed; and
Person who has been appointed as a voting proxy must complete the application and statutory declaration in the manner set out in the Municipal Act.
The Township of West Lincoln has created a list of the most commonly requested by-laws in relation to the 2024 Ward 3 By-election. Don't see what you are looking for? You can request a by-law from our Clerk. If you would like to report a violation, please visit our Report a Concern page.
If you’re registering on behalf of a corporation you must provide:
Proof that the corporation operates in Ontario and that you are the director. This could include a corporate search or incorporating documents;
A piece of government-issued identification.
If the corporation has more than one director, provide a resolution from the board authorizing you to act as the corporation’s representative.
If the same people or person own or control multiple corporations, or if one corporation controls another, only one corporation can register as a third party advertiser.
If you’re registering as an individual, you must provide a piece of identification that proves your identity and that you live in Ontario.
There is no restriction against family members or campaign staff of candidates registering to be third party advertisers. However, third party advertising must be done independently of the candidate.
If a person with close ties to a candidate wishes to register they should consider:
How these activities may look to the public;
How they would be able to demonstrate that they were not working in co-ordination with the candidate.
If you are registering on behalf of a trade union, you must provide:
Proof union exists;
Proof you have been appointed to act on the trade union’s behalf.
An individual, corporation or trade union must register with the Township Clerk to be a third party advertiser in a municipality. Being registered in a municipality allows the third party to advertise to the voters in that municipality. A third party advertiser can support or oppose any candidate or candidates who will be voted on by the people in that municipality. This includes candidates running for local council, school trustee and candidates running for offices on an upper tier council.
Third party registrations may be filed in the Township of West Lincoln Clerk Office, 318 Canborough Street, Smithville. A third party must be qualified at the time of filing the registration.
To advertise in more than one municipality, you must register in each municipality you want to advertise.
There is no registration fee for third party advertisers.
A third-party advertisement is a message in any medium (billboard, newspaper, radio, other materials, etc.) paid for by an individual, corporation or trade union that supports, promotes or opposes a candidate or a “yes” or “no” vote on a question on the ballot.
Third party advertising does not include issues-based advertising so groups that do public outreach can continue their issued-based advocacy work throughout a municipal election period.
These types of ads are paid for by a third party group, not the candidates themselves.
Any eligible individual, corporation or trade union that intends to spend money on advertising must register as a third party advertiser.
Third party advertisers must register with the Municipality in order to advertise during the municipal election.
The campaign period begins on the day the individual, corporation or trade union registers with the municipality and ends 45 days after voting day in the case of a by-election.
Registered third parties must identify themselves and provide mandatory information on all advertising.
Third party advertisements must contain the following information:
Name of the registered third party advertiser;
Municipality where the third party advertiser is registered;
Telephone number, mailing address or email address at which the registered third part advertiser may be contacted regarding the advertisement.
A contribution shall not be made to or accepted by an individual, corporation or trade union in relation to third party advertisements that appear during an election in a municipality, or made to or accepted by an individual acting under his, her, their or its direction, unless the individual, corporation or trade union is a registered third party in relation to the election in the municipality.
No contribution shall be made to or accepted outside the campaign period.
June 24, 2024: Declaration of Council vacancy
July 15, 2024: Council direction to Clerk to hold by-election to fill vacancy
August 12, 2024: By-law to conduct a by-election adopted
August 13, 2024: Nomination period begins
September 20, 2024: Nomination Day (nomination period ends at 2 p.m.)
September 20, 2024: Withdrawal of nominations (by 2 p.m.)
September 23, 2024: Nominations certified by the Township Clerk
September 23, 2024: Voters' List available to candidates
September 26, 2024: Final spending limits provided to candidates and registered third-party advertisers
September 26, 2024: Final self-contribution limit provided to candidates
October 25, 2024: Advance poll #1 at the West Lincoln Community Centre, 177 West St., Smithville, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
October 26, 2024: Advance poll #2 at Legion Villa 2, 171 Mill St., Smithville, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
November 4, 2024: By-election Day at West Lincoln Community Centre, 177 West St., Smithville, from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m.
November 5, 2024: By-election results certified by the Township Clerk
November 25, 2024: New Ward 3 Councillor sworn in at Council meeting
The Municipal Elections Act requires each municipality and school board in Ontario to establish a compliance audit committee to consider compliance audit applications.
Purpose of Committee:
Powers and functions of the committee are found under
Sections 88.33-88.37 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.
Niagara Joint Compliance Audit Committee Terms of Reference 2022-2026