Public Notices alert residents to when Public Meetings are being held by the Township. Public Meetings are regularly held at Growth & Sustainability Committee and Committee of Adjustment (COA) meetings. The Growth & Sustainability Committee is made up of Township Councillors and hears:

The COA is made up of 5 residents from West Lincoln and hears Consent and Minor Variance applications.

What is a Public Meeting?

A Public Meeting provides an opportunity for the public and Committee to discuss and ask questions relating to a specific application. It also provides an opportunity for the applicant to present their proposal and answer any questions about their application.

After a Public Meeting is held by the Growth & Sustainability Committee, Township Planning staff will present a recommendation report at the following Growth & Sustainability Committee meeting. Growth and Sustainability Committee will evaluate the application and make a recommendation to Township Council. Township Council then makes the final decision whether to approve or deny the application.

The Committee of Adjustment (COA) makes their decision after everyone has finished speaking at the Public Meeting. Since the COA is separate from Township Council, the COA will make the decision to approve or deny the application that night. As the COA is separate from Township Council, their decision is not required to be approved by Council.

What if I can't attend a Public Meeting?

If you are unable to attend a Public Meeting, you can find more information about a development proposal by contacting our Planning division. You are also welcome to come into Township Hall to discuss the proposal in-person with a member of our staff. Our regular business hours are Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and we are located at 118 Canborough St. in Smithville.

To submit formal written comments about a planning application, please send an e-mail or mail in your comments to the address noted on the Notice of Hearing.

Notices of upcoming Public Meetings for Planning Matters

Notices for upcoming Public Meetings for Planning Matters are posted here. Notices are usually posted 20 days before the public meeting date.

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