If your property changes throughout the year, you may qualify for a refund or reduction in taxes. Changes in property use, damage, fire, or demolition are all considered.
Apply for an adjustment
If you think you may qualify, please fill out an Application to Council for tax adjustment below.
Please note special submissions:
- Applications under Section 357 must be received by February 28th of the year following the year in respect the application is made.
- Application under Section 358 is made for any overcharge caused by a gross or manifest error in the preparation of the assessment roll that is clerical or factual in nature. It must be received between March 1st and December 31st and it may apply only to taxes levied for one or both of the two years preceding the year in which the application is being made.
- Send your application directly to the Assessment Review Board if you are applying due to sickness or extreme poverty under Sec 357(1)(d.1).
If your property is exempt
If you are filing because your property is now exempt, you will need to include extra documents with your application such as annual report/mission statement, letters of patent/articles of incorporation, financial statements (last three years), and organization's charter.