West Lincoln Seeks Public Input for Corporate Strategic Plan

For Immediate Release: February 17, 2023

The Township of West Lincoln is undertaking a review and update of its 2019-2029 Corporate Strategic Plan. The public is invited to complete a Strategic Plan Survey, open February 17, 2023, to March 20, 2023, to provide valuable input and help steer the future direction of our community.

Why is Strategic Planning Important?

A strategic plan outlines the overall long-term vision for the Township's future. West Lincoln is set to see incredible growth in the coming years. Having a concrete and up-to-date strategic plan helps the Township to anticipate the community's needs and set and track realistic objectives and goals with which to address them.

The plan serves as a framework to guide Council and Staff in the decision-making process and to direct our resources where they are needed. In short, a strategic plan provides a lens under which the Township will focus its operations, investments and planning for the future.

Get Involved

Successful strategic planning requires collaboration with internal and external stakeholders from all sectors plus meaningful engagement with the public. Get involved by visiting to complete the short online survey.

Beginning next week, hard copies of the survey will also be available for pick-up at the Township Administration Building, the West Lincoln Community Centre, and all three branches of the West Lincoln Public Library. Completed surveys must be dropped off at the Township Administration Building no later than 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 20.

Remember, if we can control it, we can change it! When goals/priorities line up with the frame of service within which a Municipality operates, there is a greater chance for success. To read the current Corporate Strategic Plan in full, visit the Township website.

What is each level of Government responsible for? West Lincoln Township Municipal Government: Municipal Road, Sidewalk and Bridge Maintenance, Parks and Playgrounds, Utilities (water, wastewater), Fire services and Bylaw enforcement, Agricultural services (weed spraying, mowing, extension activities), Planning and development, Libraries, Cemeteries, Property taxes (municipal portion) Niagara Region Regional Government: Regional road, sidewalk and bridge maintenance, Public Transportation, Utilities (garbage, recycling and organics), Police, Business and development, Health and safety, Childcare, senior services and long-term care, Property taxes (regional portion) Ontario Provincial Government: Highways, Schools and post secondary, Provincial courts, Health care, Environment, Social Services, Property taxes provincial portion (school and seniors' facility requisitions) Canada Federal Government: Post office, border services, immigration and citizenship, RCMP and military, Correctional facilities and Supreme Court, Firearms, Banking, trade and commerce, Foreign affairs and policy, Income taxes and Employment Insurance

For notifications and important updates, remember to follow the Township of West Lincoln on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @TWPWestLincoln.


“The Township’s Strategic Plan helps to guide every decision we make as a Council, and public input is an incredibly important part of the process of updating our Plan. On behalf of Council, I encourage everyone to take this opportunity to get involved and share you vision for West Lincoln’s future.”

Cheryl Ganann


“The Township made excellent progress on the initiatives outlined in the 2019-2029 Corporate Strategic Plan, many of which are now even completed. With the new term of Council under way, this is an appropriate time for an update, to ensure that we continue to operate in a strategic manner that addresses the needs of our growing community.”

Bev Hendry

Chief Administrative Officer

Media Contact:

Beth Audet

Communications Specialist
