Get involved with your input. The Township of West Lincoln Growth and Sustainability Committee will hold a Meeting in accordance with Site Alteration By-law 2016-41 (as amended by by-law 2017-81, 2018-80, 2019-68, 2020-80, & 2021-92) at an accessible facility where the matter(s) below will be considered. The meeting will take place:
Date: Monday, April 14, 2025
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Hybrid Meeting (in person and virtual attendance*) Township Administration 318 Canborough Street, Smithville, Ontario
*Those who wish to provide comments at a meeting virtually (Zoom) must register in advance by contacting Justin Paylove, Acting Director of Legal and Legislative Services, at or 905-957-3346 ext. 5129.
A site alteration permit has been applied for by the owner of 1664 Abingdon Road, to import 2,200 cubic meters (220 truck loads) of material to the subject property for placement over and around the new house that has been recently constructed.
A previous site alteration application was approved in 2023 by the Director of Planning and Development, for less than 1,000 cubic metres of fill also for the construction of the dwelling. This permit has been completed, and the applicant has indicated that additional fill material and top soil is required to complete the grading around the dwelling. The applicant has provided a $5,000 road security, truck haul route, soils report and grading plan.
All public and agencies are invited to respond to this application. Please provide written comments through mail or email to the Township prior to or by Wednesday, February 26, 2025, to be included in the staff report.
Contact for this application:Any person may attend the meeting and/or provide written or verbal representation on the above proposal(s). We ask that any written comments be provided by Monday, March 31, 2025, to Justin Paylove, Acting Director of Legal and Legislative Services, so they may be incorporated into the staff report; however, written comments may be made any time prior to 4:30 p.m. on the date of the meeting on Monday, April 14, 2025. Please be sure to clarify which file your comments apply to.
Planning documents and background material for any application is available for viewing during regular office hours at:
Growth and Sustainability DepartmentCopies of Staff Report will be available on the Township website after 4 p.m. on Friday, April 11, 2025.
If you would like to be notified of Township Council’s decision with respect to any planning application, you must make a written request (specifying the file number) to:
Justin Paylove, Acting Director of Legal and Legislative Services
Township of West Lincoln, 318 Canborough Street, Smithville, ON L0R 2A0