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Update #27 - West Lincoln Response to COVID-19 - Niagara Moves into Yellow (Protect) Level

Posted on Friday, November 06, 2020 04:36 PM

Township of West Lincoln MEDIA RELEASE For Immediate Release: November 6, 2020 Update # 27 - West Lincoln Response to COVID-19 – Niagara Moves into Yellow (Protect) Level in the Province’s new COVID-19 Response Framework and First Active Case of COVID-19 at the Township West Lincoln, Ont. – November 6, 2020

The Township of West Lincoln has learned of its first active case of COVID-19 at the Township office and is reminding members of the public that the Township office is only open by appointment.


Mayor Bylsma’s June Apology Following the June 11th Radio Interview with CKTB 610”.

Posted on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 11:46 AM


Mayor Bylsma's June Apology Following the June 11th Radio Interview with CKTB 610 

"As Mayor of West Lincoln, I absolutely believe every person is worthy of equal protection under the law. I apologize if any individual or group felt their worth was not recognized by my comments, as I believe that every Canadian should be treated with dignity and respect.  This also has been my personal practice.

I do apologize for my part in the oversight that failed to pass the communication from...

Update #26- West Lincoln Response to COVID-19 - Township Facilities

Posted on Friday, October 16, 2020 10:29 AM

MEDIA RELEASE For Immediate Release: October 16, 2020 Update # 26 - West Lincoln Response to COVID-19 – Township Facilities – What’s Open and What’s Been Modified

 Since March 2020, the Township of West Lincoln has continued to provide services to our residents and businesses.  We’ve done so in a modified way to keep our residents and our staff safe and healthy as we navigate the changing Public Health protocols.  This is a reminder of what’s open and what services have been revised.
